Tuesday, May 26, 2015

“The Six Pillars of Character”

1.      Trustworthiness: make a good reputation, be loyal, be honest, be reliable, don’t be afraid to do what is right, stand by your family and friends
2.     Respect: be considerate of other people’s feelings, treat others with respect, don’t use bad language, don’t hit, threaten, or hurt anyone
3.    Responsibility: do what you are supposed to do, be self-disciplined, set a good example for others, think before you act, be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes  
4.    Fairness: don’t take advantage of others, play by the rules, treat everyone fair, don’t blame others carelessly
5.     Caring: be kind, be compassionate and show your care, forgive others, express gratitude, help people in need
6.    Citizenship: cooperate, be a good neighbor, follow the law, volunteer, protect the environment

Reflection: These pillars are what everyone need to have and not just tow or three of them but all of them. Without these pillars we are not people that set a good example, we are people who are choosing the wrong. With these pillars we are looked up too and trusted. Much more good things come to people when they follow the six pillars of character and when they choose the right.

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